Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Featured Blog : Awkward Family Pet Photos

Chairman of the Beard!

I don't think there's much that can be said about this image. Really, I think it speaks for itself!

To see more winning selections from the awkward family pet photos blog or view this image in it's original context, click here.

This post has been written for your delight by, Commander Mojdeh!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Featured Artist : Marc Johns

Mr. Marc Johns creates whimsical drawings filled with a delightful amount of dry wit, sass, and humor. But more importantly he playfully incorporates facial fuzz as a part of his illustrations. These are my favorites!

Click here to visit his official website!

This post has been written for your delight, by Commander Mojdeh!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Second in Command of The USS Beardy

~Hello All~

As you may know, Dan (aka: Georgia Des) retired this blog on Sept 2009 because school, life, faith, etc - were all very important at the time (and still remain as such).

Now, a few days ago I stumbled upon this delightful blog after google searching "foxy beard" in a random fit of incoherent boredom and this delightful little gem popped up!

I was excited for two is true, most people that know me, know that I am delighted by all boys with beards (inclusive of mutton chops - cuz I'm no a hater), BUT also notice Dan's "RIP Beardy Blog" post's headstone image was of Evil Spock (the beard distinguishes him as such) - AND ALL PEOPLE THAT KNOW ME, know that I'm a massive trekkie (hence my tng blog).

Clearly the beard+trek combo certainly made my day complete! So I did what any sensible beard fanatic would do, went to my other blog and blogged about his blog. THEN, I emailed a stranger (Dan) and asked if I could continue the tradition he began in the art of beard appreciation!

Clearly he said "Yes" :-)

So allow me to humbly introduce myself...

Hi . . . my name is Mojdeh . . . I am a beard addict
[your line : welcome Mojdeh]

I'm a business owner, visual artist, live performer, space geek, and beard fanatic!
Act Like Ya Know :-)>