Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Man decides to save the world with the most "well" designed "facial" hair on Earth! AKA: The reason why men should consult thier women before ruining thier faces!

PARENTAL ADVISORY : Viewing this post may perminently damage the eyes of children, young adults, and elderly that have a low tolerence for the stupid things people do to thier bodies in the name of "body art".

oh the things we post on the internet!

This post has been written for your pleasure by, Commander Mojdeh.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Speaking of "Flavor Savors"

Hello Friends! If you recall, I just shared some pretty sweet "flavor savers" (pun intended), in my last post!  But our good friends at the worlds most compitent and reliable news source, The Onion, have shared a very shocking article. I just read this for the first time today, and felt it needed a little additional viral/social networking push.  Friends, this is IMPORTANT news!

Man With Food In Beard Saying Something About Climate Change

GENEVA—A man with a piece of food stuck in his beard is currently addressing an auditorium full of world leaders and prominent scholars on what seems to be the subject of global warming, sources are reporting. The food particle has been dangling from the man's facial hair for more than an hour while he has mentioned such phrases as "sulfides," "ice caps," "immediately, otherwise we all may," "underwater tomb," and "of human life as we know it." It was briefly dislodged during a particularly animated portion of the presentation in which complete global apocalypse was remarked upon, only to fall one inch and reattach to a lower portion of beard. The exact nature of the crumb has yet to be ascertained. Some are speculating that it is aioli. Others, however, believe it to be a bit of chewed-up turkey.
Related Articles

To see this article in it's original context please click here!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Flavor Savors : Where food and facial hair collide!

Now I know a good blog when I see one!  Now whilst the "Food Beard" blog is far less diverse than my own, how can one beard blogger (myself) not pay respects to other beard bloggers (mystery people called EG + AK).  Here are some of my favorite flavor savors!

I think Mel "The Melon" Gibson is looking quite good today!

Chris Pine-apple, and Chris Pine-nuts! Ahahahahahahahaha!

And while that was quite entertaining, my personal favorite is Sarah Palin's Hunting Beard (below)

There's a little meat left for later - you know, midnight snack!

The Food Beard Blog
Mel Gibson - Wikipedia
Chris Pine - Wikipedia
Sarah Palin - The Onion

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


KT (left), Amanda (right)

Somehow I missed a mustache party that my best friend and her sister had! This is quite possibly my favorite picture of these two ladies...EVER!! I have to admit, as much as I love my dear friend Amanda, her younger sister does wear that 'stache with way more enthusiasm!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Featured Event: Encyclopedia Show (Chicago)

[Shanney Jean & Robbie Q, pictured left at the Ecnyclopedia Show - pictured without beards...]

As an active member of the Chicago poetry scene, I often find myself at many poetry shows in the city. One of my favorite shows is the Encyclopedia Show, produced by Robby Q Telfer & Shanny Jean Maney. This is a poetry heavy variety show where they pick a different theme for each show, and then assign topics to each performer to develope a performance around.

They welcomed me to perform during thier season finale, Season 2: Volume 10: The Circus. When it was announced that I would be participating in "The Circus" I thought for SURE they were going to assign "bearded lady" to me! In fact, I started developing performance ideas on my way from the show where it was announced! Alas, I was wrong. They assigned Gibsonton, Florida to me. A place famous for being a wintering town for circus people, the only place in the USA with laws allowing you to keep your pet elephant in your front lawn if you want to!

Upon recieving my assignment I started devloping a half song, half poem, that I was only half excited about. A week before the event, a certain bearded comedian, Bryan Bowden (see earlier post about Bryan) left me a facebook message informing me that he had made the suggestion for Gibsonton as a topic because there had been an X-Files episode that took place in that town. So as a former X-Files addict I decided to do some research and proptly streamed the episde on Netflix! By the time I was done with the episode, I realized that Gibsonton was famous for several murders, and I had a new viggor for my topic. I tucked myself away to re-write my performance, except THIS TIME, I was writing a Neo-Noir voice over as "Moj Beard, Private Investigator" (Gibsonton's, bearded lady P.I.). I slaved over developing the monologue for days and then at 10am the morning of the Encyclopedia Show, I recorded my voice over, laid all the appropriate music / sound fx, and found all of the appropriate props/costuming I could pull together - all with exactly 20min to spare before I had to check in for the show!

Click here to listen to the result! I had a brown trench coat, brimmed hat, brief case, fake wiskey, shot glass, suspenders, a prop gun, and files that said things like "Geek Murders" and a newspaper with articles like "Lobster Boy Gets Away With Murder"!

I shared the stage with performers that I adore like, Roger Bonair-Agard and George Decibelle - Needless to say, Encyclopedia Show "The Circus" was nothing less than a freak show!

Do check check out the Encyclopedia Show's official website because their "Anthology Show" is coming up, with highlight performances from the last season as a teaser for the start of season 3 of T.E.S.

Chicago Public Radio's Preview of the Event
The Encyclopedia Show's official website
Moj Beard / Gibsonton FL Noir Audio
My Official Website
My Production Company

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Anti-Shave / Pro Baseball Player PSA

I have a tendency of being entertained by really lo-fi flash animated videos.  And today, I'm not sure how . . . but I found myself at - and before I had a chance to navagate away . . . the BEARD STARTS TALKING! I'm going to go ahead and vote this website into the "entertaining" department - even though I may never be impulsed to watch it again (unlike other flash videos like: TISM video & End of The World animation).  So alas, I hope you all get a mini-giggle out of it as much as I did.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Internet Is Filled With Strange Beards!

I have to admit, an adult that was THIS beard equip at such a young age is PROBABLY a little too bearded as an adult. OR this is one VERY SKILLED beard sculptor by the time he's a grown adult.

This post has been written for your delight by, Commander Mojdeh.

Monday, August 2, 2010

"Grow It Back, Damnit" Selection : Connan O'Brian

ALSO, Connan, it's okay to hug the monkey back! He clearly loves you!