Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't Get Lost in the Shadow

Dear Friends,

This friendly blog post is to inform you that I am going to sneak into the 5'oclock shadow of life for a couple of months and return with some great/wonderful adventures of the lost follicles!  So for those of you that are already following this feed - keep following. Those that check in 3 times a week - START FOLLOWING! And always feel free to email press releases, comments, questions, etc to

Meanwhile, I will continue to cover beard-related events in Chicago and beyond. I will make special note of anything beardy - that you guys share with me - and post about it all upon my return.  Thanks for being such great followers my friends! :)

With Love,
Commander Mojdeh

But for good luck...I leave you with this...

Harry Potter...expressing his magic in full-follicle!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Patience Needed: Man Sad - Woman Happy

So I've noticed that there's a whole bunch of internet happenings surrounding the sad mis-happenings of pitifully grown beards.  Most of these mentions are perpetuated by men that have been coaxed by their ladies to take a stab at "Sexy Scruff", like on this man's blog, but sadly these men are not confident enough in the possibilities of their future "Sexy Scruff" to give it the time it needs to grow in! This man's blog received a lot of entertaining feedback - which was quite split. The men who clearly had beards themselves told him to give it time, and everyone else simply told him there may not be hope, BUT, it was a worthy experiment for the sake of his lady!  My favorite comment, posted by user "PMD" reads as follows:

To quote The Quiet Beatle...

"It's gonna take time
A whole lot of precious time
It's gonna take patience and time
To do it,
to do it,
to do it,
to do it,
to do it
To do it right"

And on that note. I'm going to leave you with George Harrison's video of this particular song!  Please note the ridiculous nature of his mullet...but the loveliness of his5 o'clock shadow.

George Harrison, rockin his 'stache!

This post has been written for your delight by, Commander Mojdeh.

Scruff is Sexy - Facebook Group
Shia LaBeouf brings back his Sexy Scruff

Friday, October 1, 2010

In honor of the process of beard growth...

Beard Growth...
Scientist that hopes to be a future astronaut, see
In my investigations of what's-what in the world of beards on You Tube, I have found an interesting trend.  There are many men that feel the need to document the growth of thier beards - and though my initial thoughts about this were "how trite" - I'm really facinated by this now.  I'm interested in this inclination to document the process.  To show the world how long it takes, what it looks like every time it changes.  It reminds me of watching science films in my 7th grade Life Science classes.  It may not be new...but it's still interesting.  So for the sake of celebrating the time that it takes for our men to sport such folicles of glory! I give you my 2 favorite videos of beard growth!

Video 1:
I love this video because the video's subject (Jimmy Greenfield of Red Eye & Chicago Now) is so straight faced, MEANWHILE there's a vast amount of sassy faces that pop up in the background!  The entertaining Irish punk song about beards is just the sugar on top!

Video 2:
This video excites me because of the journey that the subject was taking while he was documenting his beard growth.  He decided to go on a long distance cycling trip - which I think takes some serious dedication!

This post has been written for your delight by, Commander Mojdeh.